Can I get a residence permit in return for my investment?
If you have invested in Latvia, you can apply for a residence permit in the Republic of Latvia as a person who has subordinated liabilities with a credit institution* of the Republic of Latvia of not less than EUR 280,000 and the term of the transaction is not less than five years.
For Russian and Belarusian nationals, please refer to the latest information in the Immigration Law.
Where can I find out more about state support for investors in Latvia?
The Investment and Development Agency of Latvia is the main state institution working to attract investor support for companies in different sectors and serves as an information channel connecting investors with creators of innovative ideas.
Information on support areas and sectoral profiles, support and conditions for development, e-services for development is available from the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia, national platform

* Credit institution is an institution that raises temporarily unrestricted funds, carries out settlement and credit operations, securities, foreign exchange, regulates the circulation of money and stores value, in other words, a bank.