Change Agent services

The Change Agent provides personalised, comprehensive support and assistance to third-country nationals who have just arrived in Latvia or have been living here for some time. We also help those who are just planning to move to Latvia. We support in various matters, for example, navigating the Latvian education system, applying for Latvian language courses, understanding the tax system, drafting a CV to find a job, dealing with migration issues, etc.


Change Agent


  • Supports the client in dealing with everyday situations by organising and mobilising the necessary help.
  • Provides support to the client in the integration and inclusion process, helping them to acquire the necessary skills and competences for a successful life in Latvia.
  • If necessary, involves interpreters (available both for oral interpreting, for example, when going to a doctor’s appointment, and for written translation) and lawyers for advice on various issues. 
  • Organises psychological support to both the client and their children, helping them to feel safe, be heard and build a successful life in Latvia. 


Please arrange a meeting time in advance by calling the Integration and Inclusion Agency or by logging on to the website or by e-mail [email protected]

Contact us!
+371 26959706 (I 8.30-18.00 II-IV 8.30-17.00 V 8.30-16.00)
+371 26959706 (Whatsapp)
Raiņa bulvāris 15, Rīga