Translation Services and Legal Assistance for Third-Country Nationals

Integration and Inclusion Agency (IIA) of the Social Integration Foundation (SIF) offers a wide range of information and practical support according to the needs of third country nationals in Latvia, including – since the end of last year – translation services and legal assistance.
At the end of last year, the IIA started providing 2 new services: translation services and legal assistance to third country nationals and persons who have received international protection in Latvia and who legally reside in the territory of Latvia.
Until now, thanks to the availability of these services, the agency`s Client Consultants and Change Agents have already helped several clients in solving various issues. For example, the representatives of the Zemgale branch of the IIA have provided translation of medical documents to a Ukrainian citizen in order to facilitate the further processing of documents with the Social Service of Dobele region. In the other case, thanks to the Change Agent of the IIA Kurzeme branch, a client from Ukraine was given legal advice on divorce. Also, in order to start a divorce procedure in Latvia, the translation and notarization process of marriage certificate and child birth certificate (both issued in Ukraine) has been started.
Translation services are available in more than 24 languages. To apply for translation services, you need to call the Interpreter Coordinator of the IIA – tel. (+371) 26800377 or write an e-mail to: [email protected], indicating the desired time, language combination, place and duration of the translation. On the other hand, when applying for a written translation, a complete copy of the document must be submitted, including all characters and symbols on each page. Upon special request, a notarized translation provided by a sworn notary is being executed.
Read more about the translation services here.
Legal assistance also is available both verbally and in written form. Customers are served in Latvian, Russian or English, while in cases where the customer uses another language of communication, the IIA hires an interpreter. To apply for legal assistance, we invite you to contact us on tel. (+371) 26800377 or write an e-mail to: [email protected].
Read more about legal aid here.
In the near future, it is planned to introduce individual consultations of a Psychologist and Psychotherapist.
In January, all branches of the IIA in Riga, Liepaja, Jelgava and Daugavpils provided a total of 496 individual consultations and processed 59 translation requests.
Services of the Integration and Inclusion Agency are provided by the Society Integration Foundation within the framework of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund’s project (Agreement No. PMIF/13.1./2022/1/01). The funding has been allocated by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (75%) and Latvian State budget (25%).