The IIA will provide social support services to asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection

The aim of the project is to ensure the implementation of social worker and social mentor support services for asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection. The purpose of the social support service is to safeguard that the basic rights of the target group are exercised, and that there is an access to public and private services. It is done by developing the client`s individual socioeconomic inclusion plan based on the client`s needs, individual problem situation, including respecting the client`s self-determination in achieving the goals provided for in the plan.
Within the framework of social support services, the target group will receive practical help and support in everyday life situations, primarily receiving support in the asylum seeker centres “Mucenieki” and “Liepna”. The service will also be available outside the asylum seeker centres, if the person does not live there or has lost the legal basis to stay there (has been granted refugee or alternative status). After evaluating the situation, the work of a social worker and a social mentor will be done by making trips to the client`s place of residence or local government institutions.
The individual socioeconomic inclusion plan will promote the ability of the target group to be included in various societal processes, for example, developing the ability to participate in the economic, social and cultural life of Latvia.
5 social workers and 10 social mentors will be recruited for the implementation of the project, who under the supervision of the senior project social worker (cooperation coordinator), will work with the target group, providing informational and practical support. The service of a social worker and social mentor will be provided to the beneficiaries of international protection for up to 12 months or until the individual socio-economic inclusion plan of the person is fulfilled (up to a maximum of 24 months).
Within the framework of the project, social support services are expected to be provided to 1140 persons, but the number depends on the geopolitical situation in the world, especially on the flow of migration and changes in the regulatory framework in the field of immigration.
The project will contribute to the creation and development of a national level system, which will provide a full-fledged, coordinated support to asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection, who currently do not receive this type of support within the framework of the Integration and Inclusion Agency. Both projects will provide complex support for newcomers, helping them to integrate into the local society and to promote intercultural communication.
Services of the Integration and Inclusion Agency are provided by the Society Integration Foundation within the framework of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund’s project (Agreement No. PMIF/13.1./2022/1/01). The funding has been allocated by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (75%) and Latvian State budget (25%).