Free introductory courses for foreigners about life in Latvia continue – we invite you to apply!

In order to provide foreigners currently living in Latvia – nationals of third countries – with an understanding of life in Latvia, local culture and society, the association “Cooperation Platform” organizes a free introductory course “Getting to know Latvia”.
12 groups in Riga, one group in Liepāja and one in Rēzekne are currently continuing or have already completed training. In the introductory course, participants learn the most important information about Latvia’s history, culture, legislation, social, educational and healthcare service systems, as well as job opportunities in Latvia.
The training continues, – we welcome new interested parties – foreigners to apply and attend the introduction course “Get to know Latvia” and acquire skills and knowledge that will help you successfully integrate into Latvian society, as well as – get to know Latvia and Latvians better! All citizens of third countries who have received the right to stay on the territory of Latvia, asylum seekers and persons in need of international protection can apply for the introductory course.
What are the Latvian state system, traditions, values, peculiarities compared to other countries in Europe and the world? What are the education and job opportunities? Where and how can you make friends with the locals? What do you need to know to successfully live in Latvia? Those interested will receive answers to these and many other questions in the introductory course.
Program of the introductory course “Getting to know Latvia”:
- Latvian state structure, history, culture, traditions (12 hours);
- Latvian and European Union societal values, including democracy, gender equality, freedom of expression (4 hours);
- Existing systems and structures in Latvia, including the labor market, educational opportunities (7 hours);
- Daily life and services, including public transport, shopping, banking services (12 hours).
In the course of the introductory course, not only educational lessons are planned, but also a visit to a museum, exhibition or performance, creative master classes and meetings with representatives of state or local government institutions. Certificates will be issued at the end.
Classes will be conducted by experienced and knowledgeable lecturers who have been working in the field of integration training for more than 10 years. Up to 15 participants will study in groups. The language of training is Russian or English, if necessary, translators of other foreign languages will be hired.
The introductory course is free. Classes will be held in Rīga, Rēzekne, Daugavpils, Ventspils, Liepāja and other places in person, where the groups will be completed, as well as online. Lessons will start after the group is full.
We invite those interested to register for the courses by opening the link here:
The “Getting to know Latvia” project is implemented by the association “Cooperation Platform” within the framework of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund. The project is co-financed by the European Union. Grant agreement no. PMIF/13.3./2023/1/01.