One Stop Shop is preparing for the opening of the Zemgale branch

On September 15, the One Stop Shop will open a regional branch in Zemgale, which will be located in the premises of the Public Center (Sabiedriskais centrs) in Jelgava, in Skolotāju Street 8. On the opening day, it is planned to invite representatives of the state, municipalities, non-governmental organizations, as well as the private sector that employ foreigners, to a joint discussion about third-country nationals, including Ukrainian civilians, and recipients of international aid, who are legally staying on the territory of Latvia, and their successful socio-economic inclusion in Latvia.
In May of this year, the first regional branch of the One Stop Shop was opened – in Liepāja. Since then customers of the Kurzeme region are served in the premises of the Liepāja City Council, in Rožu Street 6. In August, a total of 205 individual consultations were provided in the Liepāja branch, also accounting for the largest increase of the face-to-face consultations.
In Riga branch 273 individual consultations were provided in August. The most frequently asked questions were related to obtaining or extending a residence permit, issues related to social benefits and services, as well as Latvian language learning opportunities.
The One Stop Shop’s services are provided by the Society Integration Foundation within the framework of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund’s project (Agreement No. PMIF/13.1./2022/1/01). The funding has been allocated by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (75%) and Latvian State budget (25%).