On declaring your place of residence
Declaring your place of residence
Why should I declare my place of residence and how can I do it?
A place of residence must be declared in order to be reachable in legal relations with the state and local authorities. Once you have your residence permit, you must declare your place of residence in Latvia. To do this, you need to show the proof of your residency, for example, your tenancy agreement.
It is compulsory to declare your place of residence. Without a declaration of residence, you cannot open a bank account, enrol your child in school or kindergarten, or receive state or local government social support and benefits. It is important to remember that different municipalities may have different rules on benefits. Declared address determines to which particular municipality you belong and what are the benefits from different services and support available to you.

There are several options to declare your place of residence:
- On the Latvija.lv portal, using the e-service “Declaration or indication of a place of residence”.
- When obtaining a residence permit, at the territorial division of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs.
- If you cannot declare your place of residence electronically, you can do so in any nearest municipal Single Customer Service Centre of the State and Local Government (in Latvian).