Free Latvian learning and practice materials online
The Latvian Language Agency offers a number of internet resources for learning Latvian. More information is summarised here.
Latvian language self-learning tool for adults e-Laipa (A1, A2, B1, B2)
The Latvian language self-learning tool e-Laipa is designed as an electronic app – a set of learning materials, tests, assignments and self-examination materials. It is recommended for use with Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge or Safari.

Reading texts at levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2
Reading texts include topics about Latvia – culture, places, persons, etc. – and conversational topics – shopping, job and environment, traveling, etc.

Self-assessment materials (for language proficiency levels A-C)
Not sure at what Latvian language level you are or want to test yourself before the exam? Test your skills in an interactive Language Portfolio.

Useful resources for learning Latvian if you already have a basic knowledge of the language
Latvian belongs to the class of inflected languages which are most complex from morphological viewpoint. It has following parts of speech: nouns, adjectives, numerals, pronouns, verbs, participles, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, particles and interjections. describes inflection rules of Latvian.

Latvian Verb Tables
Verbs in Latvian constitute a complicated part of speech rich in word forms. The conjugation of Latvian verbs and pronunciation of word forms cause difficulties not only to Latvian language learners but also to native Latvian speakers. Latvian Verb Tables is a useful source of reference for those teaching and studying Latvian and wishing to be certain of grammatically correct verb forms