Our team


The strength of the one-stop shop is the competence, professionalism and empathy of our diverse team. Our team includes specialists from the fields of immigration, law, social work and culture. We are united by a common commitment – to provide meaningful and useful advice and support to third-country nationals and recipients of international protection.

Our team keeps up with the dynamic changes in immigration policy and international protection legislation to ensure that our clients receive the most accurate and up-to-date information, enabling them to make informed and informed decisions. about his life in Latvia.

Our team
Inese Saldābola
Head of the Integration and Inclusion Agency
Natālija Valtere
Project Manager of the Integration and Inclusion Agency
Anita Meiere
Legal Service Coordinator
Jolanta Mote
Coordinator of the Education and Support Modules
Anda Būdniece
Data Base Coordinator
Laura Veremeja
Service Content Methodologies, Events Coordinator
Ilze Dziemisova
Client Consultant, Rīga office
Santa Pelše - Kļava
Client Consultant, Rīga office
Gajane Barsegjana-Vīksna
Change Agent, Rīga office
Ramona Petrika
Change Agent, Rīga office
Kurzeme office
Sintija Ķeire
Change Agent, Kurzeme office
Anastasija Jemeļjanova
Client Consultant, Kurzeme office
Zemgale office
Guna Salcēviča
Change Agent, Zemgale office
Sņežana Zenovjeva
Client Consultant, Zemgale office
Latgale office
Edita Latkovska
Client Consultant, Latgale office
Kristīna Čerņecova
Change Agent, Latgale office
Vidzeme office
Jolanta Cērpa
Change Agent, Vidzeme office
Contact us!
+371 26959706 (I 8.30-18.00 II-IV 8.30-17.00 V 8.30-16.00)
+371 26959706 (Whatsapp)
Raiņa bulvāris 15, Rīga